Imagine Waterford Arts Festival

A most inspiring article about kite flying by Ann Marie.

“HAPPINESS ON A STRING” – Waterford Arts Festival

Flying a kite is surely the ultimate carefree pastime, for young and old, there is nothing more calming, more fun and joyous than watching your kite ebb and flow in the currents of the wind.

Kite flying is a natural inter-generational fun for all ages, a way to celebrate our family time and enjoy time together outdoors in crisp autumnal weather. Kite flying connects us to nature, especially the sky and the wind, it teaches us so much about the mechanics of flight and enables us to fine tune our mindfulness, coordination and problem solving amongst other things. There is a unique joy in seeing something you’ve made or bought flying up in the sky … flying any kite is a celebration of the moment, of life, of our world.


The Waterford Arts Festival’s IMAGINE Come Fly a Kite day is on Sunday 18th October, 11am to 4pm at WIT sports Campus Carriganore. It is an entirely FREE EVENT. To add both colour and spectacle to the event, some of Ireland’s top kite flyers will be there on the day to display their spectacular kites and perform some dramatic flying displays throughout the day.